Saturday, 30 March 2013


Okay TEAM 

I've noticed that it's coming down to the last few RUTRTW cups out there so it is time to get out 
there and get your best RAV-itude on!   

Come on friends!! Let's turn UP the RAV-itude to drive it home.  And then keep it up - RAV-itutde will make more RAV-itude - it's virtually impossible to exhaust all that goodness. Because there are Always Fresh TM reserves of that kind of fuel when you keep sharing it with the world - you won't ever come up empty.  There is so much RIM-RIM out there :D

Good luck with your push to the finish line.  YAY! 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

When GAGNEZ is actually GAGN-YAY!

This morning I was determined to spread a little love & energy out there.  I can't lie - it was totally self serving. I needed a little extra love & energy and we all know that you gotta put out what you wanna get back...... Soooo...........

Down the street I go, in the early morning dark, getting wet, even under my umbrella, because of sideways rain, but, like, totally. committed. to spreading some cheer.  Where is my first stop?  Ooooh don't you know it!!  RUTRTW!  Easy-peasie right....?!  Nope. This morning I learned that spreading cheer can be haaaard so it's very important to be persistent (just like Kristine & her rad-itude).

This is the convo that happened after I got my RUTRTW & change.

Me: Can you please take this $2 and use it to buy a coffee for the next person who comes to this register?
      <hand a toonie to the girl>

Girl: (pure confusion written, like, all over her face)  Ummmm, no Ma'am this is your change.
       <hands toonie back to me >

Me:  Yes, I know, but I want to buy a coffee for the next person in line. Can you use this toonie
        <put toonie on counter> and pay for their coffee please?
         <phuusshht  slide toonie towards her>

Girl: Ummmm, no. No. I don't know how to do that.  
        <phuusshht push toonie back to me>
        Do you even *know* the person next in line?

Me: (looking at the line up)  No, I don't know that person.  I want to buy a coffee for a stranger.  So please use it to buy a coffee for whoever is next in line - just whoever it is :)
       <phuusshht push toonie back again>

Girl: No phuusshht |  Me: Yes phuusshht | Girl: No phuusshht |  Me: Yes phuusshht | Girl: No. Are you sure?! | Me: Yes, very. (repeat two more times) | Girl: <raises eyebrow and gives me a you're-crazy grin> |

Me: <walk away without my toonie> YAAAY!
      <look back to see a sweet smile flash across the face of the next person in-line> GAGN-YAAAY :)

BUT WAIT! After that, the morning got better......... another GAGN-YAY!

That's right!! Thaaat happened.  I GAGN-YAY'ed two times!!  
Spreading cheer is *totally* RIM-RIM !

Thursday, 14 March 2013

A little slice of RAD-ITUDE in action

It is time for us to formally acknowledge Kristine's shining RAD-ITUDE here. Rest assured, it has not gone unnoticed Kristine.  For those who don't know, Kristine tried her best, fourteen times, at RUTRTW before she finally had her first BREAKTHROUGH this week!  Hooray for Kristine's first GAGNEZ of the season!

I just wanted to use this breakthrough to share the message of "Keeping Your Head Up".  yepyepyep!  Keep it up!!  Even if you are feeling like a loser, (like fourteen times a loser), and even if you are going against the odds (like zero in 14 vs. like 1 in 6), remember that it is your RAD-ITUDE and perseverance that will totally pay off in the end.

And here in this TED talk, Amy Cuddy talks about how POWER POSING INCREASES YOUR RAD-ITUDE!!! YESSSSSSSS!  You can naaat have too much of this stuff people!

WAY TO GO KRISTINE!!  You know how I am celebrating :D  <clink>

Sunday, 10 March 2013


The very next best thing to actually seeing the word 'GAGNEZ' on your RUTRTW is getting your very own handmade-with-lucky-love coffee coozy*.  Yah, a coffee coozy that your sister crochets (like, wow (!) who can even do that these days?) and then sends to you in the mail with, get this, TEN DOLLARS to spend at you-know-where!! 

BAM!  And just like that Monday becomes AMAZING and it hasn't even started yet. How often do you hear that?  Yah, that's right.  Never.  It might seem like a miracle, except it's not. That's just the power of RUTRTW.  And coozy's.  And sister's.

*coozy (koo-zee) <noun>: lucky coffee sweater. 

So get out there people!! Make someone's coozy-less Monday AMAZING too :)  

Friday, 8 March 2013

I just couldn't resist..... (obviously not, it's RUTRTW, nobody can!)

I suppose I am feeling a bit more in the spirit these days, because I just could naat resist letting 2013 go by without sharing all the wonderful things that unfold during the glorious RUTRTW (that's Roll up the rim to WIN, in case you are new here) season!!! 

So here is to great coffee, great times, lots of GAGNEZ's and to all the other really excellent things that always seem to occur around this time of the year!! 

To RUTRTW 2013!!  (this is the part where you raise your pretend cup high to the sky and then to the computer screen and tap my pretend cup that I am cheer'sing at you too. clink

Did you do it?!   YAAAY!  

Oh man, I missed you guys.