Sunday, 10 March 2013


The very next best thing to actually seeing the word 'GAGNEZ' on your RUTRTW is getting your very own handmade-with-lucky-love coffee coozy*.  Yah, a coffee coozy that your sister crochets (like, wow (!) who can even do that these days?) and then sends to you in the mail with, get this, TEN DOLLARS to spend at you-know-where!! 

BAM!  And just like that Monday becomes AMAZING and it hasn't even started yet. How often do you hear that?  Yah, that's right.  Never.  It might seem like a miracle, except it's not. That's just the power of RUTRTW.  And coozy's.  And sister's.

*coozy (koo-zee) <noun>: lucky coffee sweater. 

So get out there people!! Make someone's coozy-less Monday AMAZING too :)  

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